Jim Walker's Whip Power U-Control

In this magazine ad from May, 1943 we see the introduction of the Jim Walker invention of "Whip Power" motorless controlled flight. Another American Junior innovation for the pure enjoyment of controlled flight especially when you are learning and on a budget.
Climbs, Dives, Banks and Loops
JIM WALKER'S research at American Junior Aircraft has developed a new star performer! It is the amazing new Whip-Power U-Control. A fishing rod, bamboo pole or other long stick takes the place of a motor. And what speed! Whip-Power planes have been clocked at 98 m.p.h.
Flight is controlled from the ground. In instant response to the control stick the plane does a whole bag of tricks—climbs, dives, banks, loops, chandelles, wing-overs, changes speed.
Whip-Power planes fly on control strings up to 40 feet in length. They can be flown in any kind of weather, and right in your own yard or in the street.
Whip-Power planes are profile scale models of famous fighters that thrill us every day with their heroic exploits. The Airacobra model is now in production. Other models will follow soon.
Your Whip-Power plane is a sturdy craft, made of non-critical balsa wood, with a wing spread of 19 inches. It comes to you in a kit with all parts cut to size. All you need is a knife, sandpaper, cement, dope and thread for the controls.
American Junior Aircraft is producing these planes as fast as possible after filling orders for planes for the armed forces. They will be ready for shipment on April 15. Possibly your dealer, will not have enough Whip-Power planes to fill your order immediately, but your patience will be rewarded amply by the fun you will have when you try out your own ideas of aerial gymnastics.
New U-Control Model to be Announced
Still another Jim Walker model made of non-critical balsa and flown by U-Control is nearing completion. This plane, the Firecat, will be announced in the near future.
(Editor's note: remember this was 1943 and the Firecat was many years away from production.)
Whip-Power Model Gallery

The top Whip-Power kit (brown box) is the original Jim Walker release in 1939.
The second box (green & blue) is from 1943 when they had to change
colors on the box.
The reason for the color change is because red pigment became restricted during WWII, and red
is used to make brown.
The bottom box (red & blue) is Frank
version from the mid 1980's.
These are all Jim Walker Airacobra designs.

Here we see Frank Macy's Whip-Power Squadron in the Summer of 2004. The
brown Whip-Power plane is the P-51A from American Junior. This was included
as a plan modification in Jim Walker's P-39 kit. Note the air scoop on the top
of the cowl which was moved below in the later P-51B release. The other three
Whip-Power models are designs by Frank Macy.

Here is Frank Macy and his assistant Sarah Lander at the Evergreen Aviation Museum
control line field. The Spruce Goose is in the building in the background. Frank
demonstrates whip-power with one of his own designs in the Summer of 2004.
For more information on Whip-Power - flying video, patent papers, other models -
check out Whip-Power page 2
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